Texty písní
A Skylit Drive
Prelude To A Dream
Prelude To A Dream
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I felt alive
Take me from the city.
Stand up this is a fucking ovation.
Stand up! Stand up!
All together we scream
I thought this was all a part of the plan
In the end we walk out (walk out)
Walk with me
Talk with me
I'll take you away from this place
As legends go we are at the end
Here's a column of my own so let's begin (begin)
Walk with me
Talk with me
This place we cannot erase
Forget what they said
You will love me the same way
Let's break the cycle
What you thought I despised sent me frantically spinning into the sky
Like we're facing off with our nightmares
The hero will never die
Never going the same way
Can't collide with what doesn't need a heartbeat
And I will make you believe that this look was mistook
With what doesn't need...
All together we scream
I thought this was all a part of the plan
In the end we walk out (walk out)
Walk with me
Talk with me
I'll take you away from this place
As legends go we are at the end
Here's a column of my own so let's begin (begin)
Walk with me
Talk with me
This place we cannot erase
The city only breathes through you
And all the cracks that you've fallen through
As legends go we are at the end
Here's a column of my own so let's begin (let's begin)
I thought this was all a part of the plan
In the end we walk out (walk out)
Walk with me
Talk with me
This place we cannot erase
Postav mi dům z cihel
A já v něm zůstanu sedět, až se svět
kolem mě začne hroutit
Ze svých rukou udělej vrbu
A můžeš se nade mnou sklánět
Kamkoliv půjdu
Občas je těžké vidět
cokoliv dobrého
Všichni lidé kolem mě chtějí jen
Peníze, peníze a samolibost
Jak se mě můžeš ptát, proč
potřebuji zkušenost dřív, než něco zkusím
Musím si být jistá, že to není jen o
penězích, penězích a samolibosti
Nespouštěj ze mě oči
A já se na tebe kouknu, abys viděl
Proč jsem tady
Obmotej mi oči vlnou
Prosím, polib ne na rozloučenou
Jen díky tobě jdu za svým cílem
A Skylit Drive
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