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How come I was the last to know
Took the stage then you stole the show
Another unsuspecting sunday afternoon
I was captured by that stare
Now I'm shattered, but I don't care
And the people walking by don't have a clue
That I kissed your face
Till the sun was in our eyes
Till the afternoon arrived
And I can't explain
Last night I saw the fireworks
The kind of pain that never hurts
The one you hate to love is made for you
Another unsuspecting Sunday afternoon
Monday is a funny thing
Still waiting for the phone to ring
Will my imagination take it slow
After Saturday, my life is changed
In a moment it was rearranged
Strange how easy it is letting go
And I miss your face
Like the sun was in my eyes
And now I'm running blind
And I can't explain
Last night I saw the fireworks
The kind of pain that never hurts
The one you hate to love is made for you
Another unsuspecting Sunday afternoon
This sweet relief
Unexpected things
Is this the end or only the beginning
I miss your face
Like the sun was in my eyes
Like the afternoon
Now I'm running blind (running blind)
I can't explain (can't explain)
Last night I saw the fireworks
the kind of pain that never hurts
The one you hate to love that's made for you
Another unsuspecting Sunday afternoon
Another unsuspecting Sunday afternoon
Ako to, že som bol poslední ktorý si to všimol?
Prišla si a celkom si ma opantala
Ďalšie obyčajné nedeľné popoludnie
Nemohol som od Teba odtrhnúť oči
Teraz som zničený, ale je mi to jedno
A ľudia idúci okolo nemajú ani tušenia,
že som pobozkal Tvoju tvár
Kým sme mali slnko v očiach
kým prišlo popoludnie
A ja to nedokážem vysvetliť...
Minulú noc som videl ohňostroj
Ten druh bolesti ktorá nikdy nebolí
Tá ktorú nechceš milovať je pre teba ako stvorená
Ďalšie obyčajné nedeľné popoludnie
Pondelok je zábavná vec
Stále čakám, že telefón zazvoní
Bude moja fantázia pracovať pomaly? Oh áno
Po sobote sa môj život zmenil
V momente neostal kameň na kameni
zvláštne aké je ľahké hodiť všetko za hlavu
A chýba mi tvoja tvár
Akoby som mal slnko v očiach
Teraz postupne slepnem,
A neviem to vysvetliť
Táto sladká úľava, neočakávané veci
je toto koniec, alebo len začiatok?
Chýba mi tvoja tvár
Akoby slnko bolo v mojich očiach
Ako popoludnie
Teraz slepnem
a nedokážem to vysvetliť
Ďalšie obyčajné nedeľné popoludnie