Texty písní Jose Luis Sepulveda Prayers For A Nation

Prayers For A Nation

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I wish that Lord,
You'd hear my prayers
For the word "Inequality"
Not to cross my day
Every worker has a voice
And we are workers of the world
With our hands
We build societies

I wish that Lord
You'd hear my prayers
For the word "Fanaticism"
Not to cross my day
If we al together live
And we all together share as one
One day
We will stop these wars

I wish that Lord
You'd hear my prayers
For the word "Detention"
Not to cross my day
Having children in a Jail
And women without rights


What was going on in there?
What was going on with me?
What was going on with us?

I wish that Lord
You'd hear my prayers
For the word "Poverty"
Not to cross my day
People should run the many nations
Not the greedy Corporations
Those who are powerful
The answer is in your selves

I wish that Lord
You'd hear my prayers
For the word "Racism"
Not to cross my day
The true value is in my soul
Not (in) the color of my skin

You say: "You are my brother!"
And, so I am!.

I wish that Lord
You'd hear my prayers
For the words "In Vain"
Not to cross my day
I honour every one who dies
So, I can have the life
I have today
Oh Lord!!

I whish you'd hear my prayers
I whish you'd hear my prayers
I whish you'd hear my prayers


  • Interpret Jose Luis Sepulveda
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