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I was at Auckland airport last year
catching a flight to Sydney
Which I nearly missed because
I was watching this girl
For some reason she caught my eye
She was just sitting on the ground
leaning against something
a backpack was next to her
She had kinda long brown quite full hair
Really naturally looking girl, no make up
Really comfortable with herself
I think that's what caught my eye
and she was talking to this really
striking tall young black man
and I think they were catching a flight to America
and she was so expressive
with her hands talking to him
She was flirting outrageously a
nd he was just falling, falling, falling for it
It was great
And then I realized she wasn't actually talking
She was signing and that her hands
they wer e expressive but she was actually,
they were both signing to each other
And I just watched this dance happen,
this sexy kind of seduction and I thought
"This guy doesn't stand a chance"
V loňském roce jsem byla na letišti v Aucklandu,
chtěla jsem chytnout let do Sydney,
ten let jsem málem minula,protože,
jsem se zadívala na jedno děvče,
Z nějakého důvodu jí zachytila můj pohled,
ona prostě seděla na zemi,
o něco se opírala,
batoh byl vedle ní,
měla husté dlouhé hnědé vlasy,
vypadala přírodně,žádný make-up,
byla se sebou spokojená,
myslím, že právě to mne zaujalo,
a mluvila
s nápadným vysokým mladým černochem,
a myslím,že chtěli letět do Ameriky,
a ona byla tak výrazná,
on gestikuloval rukama,
to flirtování bylo nechutné,
a on byl jen ten looser,co padá a klesá,
bylo to skvělé,
a pak jsem si uvědomila,že vlastně nemluví,
oni byli tak expresivní,
oni tam byi spolu,
a já jën sledovala tento tanec,
tento sexy druh svádění a myslela jsem si:
"Ten chlap nemá šanci!"