Texty písní Nickel Creek Little Cowpoke Pecos Bill

Pecos Bill

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Now Pecos Bill was quite a cowboy down in Texas
Why, he's the Western Superman to say the least
He was the roughest, toughest critter, never known to be a quitter
'Cause he never had no fear of man nor beast

So yippee-i-ay-i-ya, yippee-i-o
He's the toughest critter west of the Alamo

Once he roped a raging cyclone out of nowhere
Then he straddled it and settled down with ease
And while that cyclone bucked and flitted, Pecos rolled a smoke and lit it
And he tamed that ornery wind down to a breeze

So yippee-i-ay-i-ya, yippee-i-o
He's the toughest critter west of the Alamo

Now once there was a drought that spread all over Texas
So to sunny Californy he did go
And though the gag is kind of corny, he brought rain from Californy
And that's the way we got the Gulf of Mexico

So yippee-i-ay-i-ya, yippee-i-o
He's the toughest critter west of the Alamo

Now once a band of rustlers stole a herd of cattle
But they didn't know the herd they stole was Bill's
And when he caught them crooked villains
Pecos knocked out all their fillings
That's the reason why there's gold them thar hills

So yippee-i-ay-i-ya, yippee-i-o
He's the toughest critter west of the Alamo

Pecos lost his way while traveling on the desert (Water, water, water...)
It was ninety miles across the burning sand (Water, water, water...)
He knew he'd never reach the border (Water...)
If he didn't get some water (Water...)
So he got a stick and dug the Rio Grande


While a tribe of painted Indians did a wardance
Pecos started shooting up their little game
He gave those redskins such a shakeup
That they jumped out of their makeup
That's how the Painted Desert got it's name

So yippee-i-ay-i-ya, yippee-i-o
He's the toughest critter west of the Alamo

While reclining on a cloud high over Texas
With his guns he made the stars evaporate
Then Pecos saw them stars declining
So he left one brightly shining
As the emblem of the Lone Star Texas State

So yippee-i-ay-i-ya, yippee-i-o
He's the toughest critter west of the Alamo

So yippee-i-ay-i-ya, yippee-i-o
He's the emblem of the Lone Star Texas State
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