Texty písní Jose Luis Sepulveda Because She Cries

Because She Cries

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What kind of lyrics
Should I use to describe
The kind of feelings
that I have today

Because she is crying and she is bleeding
In agony
Because she is giving birth to
So much pain
I know what you are going through
Because you made go
Through exactly the same things
And I pray
Even if when I know that won´t
Pray for me

What can we do
When God show us his rage
When we get hit by our arroganc(y)
What kind of man will I be
If I face away
I will be doing the thing that
That I hate

So today I will stand like a man
I will forgive and I will give you my hand
so I will pray
Even when I know that you won´t
Pray for me

Perhaps tomorrow will be the same
But now she knows
We are all the same
Please forgive my brothers
If I cry for her
But pain is pain that
Will never change

But this is a lesson to learn
Or may be a lesson
That we will all forget
So, I pray
Even when I know that you won´t
Pray for me


  • Interpret Jose Luis Sepulveda
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