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He is like body without soul.
In his mind is only sorrow.
For whole world is only enemy.
But he didn´t want to be lonely.
Sometimes he thinks about death.
His wish is get out from this trap.
His father only shouted at him and
he hoped, he will wake up from
this cruel dream.
Rf:He only desired
for love, no more.
He didn´t be liar.
With tears in eyes
goes to sleep at night.
With tears in eyes
he lives his dead life.
With tears he gets up
He only desired
for love, no more.
He didn´t be liar.
With tears in eyes
goes to sleep at night.
With tears in eyes
he lives his dead life.
With tears he gets up
All his friends were leaving him.
So many days and nights he was crying.
Why did he believe all liars?
They hit him to heart with one hundred
flames from fire.
But fortunately, somebody love him.
And for these people he makes everything!
He does hope, his friends will not leave him.
He is here for them, closed in this dream...
Rf:He only desired
for love, no more.
He didn´t be liar.
With tears in eyes
goes to sleep at night.
With tears in eyes
he lives his dead life.
With tears he gets up
He only desired
for love, no more.
He didn´t be liar.
With tears in eyes
goes to sleep at night.
With tears in eyes
he lives his dead life.
With tears he gets up
Mrtvý život
Byl jako tělo bez duše.
V jeho mysli je jen smutek.
Pro celý svět je jen nepřítel.
Ale on jen nechtěl být sám.
Někdy přemýšel o smrti.
Jeho přání je dostat se
ven z této pasti.
Jeho otec na něj jen křičel a
on doufal, že se probudí
z tohoto krutého snu.
RF:Toužil jen po lásce, nic víc.
On nebyl lhář.
Se slzami v očích chodí v noci spát.
Se slzami v očích žije svůj mrtvý život.
Se slzami v očích vstává každý den.
Všichni jeho přátelé ho opouštěli.
Tolik dní a nocí proplakal.
Proč věřil všem lhářům?
Udeřili ho do srdce stovkou
plamenů z ohně.
Ale naštěstí...někdo ho miluje.
A pro tyhle lidi udělá všechno!
Doufal, že ho jeho přátelé neopustí.
Je tu pro ně, zavřen v tomto krutém snu...