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An honest crescendo
And by your words that rise like stars.
That moment, I knew
That I would bind myself to you.
For calling, the demons,
They can't wait to deny the truth.
But they'll have to wait.
I'm anxious 'cause right now I am loving you.
There is nothing that they can do.
To stop me needing and yearning you.
Even if we're a million miles apart,
We're still joined right at the heart.
Your memory, it warms my soul.
So when I die, I won't be cold.
Put here on earth, I got something to prove,
And why love a lie if I got nothing to lose.
So I take my chance and I make my move.
I fought my evils, scaled the wall
And backed the right horse, broke the rules.
I'm risking everything I've got
Just to get a shot with you.
There is nothing that they can do.
To stop me needing and yearning you.
Even if we're a million miles apart,
We're still joined right at the heart.
There is nothing that they can do.
To stop me needing and yearning you.
Even if we're a million miles apart,
We're still joined right at the heart.
I died inside when you were taken,
And then I died some more.
The daylight hurts my eyes
'Cause I'm a stranger to the sun.
Some parts of me are gone forever,
But the rest of me lives on.
There is nothing that they can do.
To stop me needing and yearning you.
Even if we're a million miles apart,
We're still joined right at the heart.
There is nothing that they can do.
To stop me needing and yearning you.
Even if we're a million miles apart,
We're still joined right at the heart.
Heart, heart.
Heart, heart.
Heart, heart.
Heart, heart.
Čestný crescendo
A podľa tvojich slov, ktoré sa zdvihnú ako hviezdy.
Tú chvíľu som vedel,
že by som sám seba zviazal k tebe.
Pre volanie, démoni,
nemôžu sa dočkať poprieť pravdu.
Ale budú musieť počkať.
Som nervózny pretože teraz ťa milujem.
Nie je nič, čo môžu urobiť.
Zastaviť moju potrebu teba a túžbu po tebe.
Dokonca aj keď sme miliónov kilometrov od seba,
stále sme prepojení priamo v srdci.
Tvoja pamäť, hreje moju dušu.
Takže keď zomriem, nebudem chladný.
Položte tu na zem, musím niečo dokázať,
A prečo milovať klamstvá, keď nemám čo stratiť.
Tak sa chopím svojej šance a spravím ťah.
Bojoval som so svojím zlom vyšplhanom na múre.
A cúval so správnym koňom, porušiť pravidlá.
Riskujem všetko čo mám, aby som u teba dostal šancu.
Nie je nič, čo môžu urobiť.
Zastaviť moju potrebu teba a túžbu po tebe.
Dokonca aj keď sme miliónov kilometrov od seba,
stále sme prepojení priamo v srdci.
Zomrel som vo vnútri, keď si odišla
a potom som zomrel ešte viac.
Zo slnka ma bolia oči,
Pretože som slnku cudzincom.
Niektoré časti mňa sú nenávratne preč,
ale zvyšok mňa žije ďalej.
Nie je nič, čo môžu urobiť.
Zastaviť moju potrebu teba a túžbu po tebe.
Dokonca aj keď sme miliónov kilometrov od seba,
stále sme prepojení priamo v srdci.
Srdce, srdce. Srdce, srdce. Srdce, srdce. Srdce, srdce.