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I was born in 1984 the photographer "Mr.Disability" didn´t make my photos when I was child...
There wasn´t any forbit, leaving kiss before it I grew up very quickly and "Mrs.School" changed me a lot, but of course in measure
Mum, if it weren´t you, I wouldn´t have my character like now, your deliberation taught me the same like you in this tme, you had never allowed my eyes to be sad, and you´ve used to say : "I wish you both were always children"...
I noticed little tears in your eyes
Mum,if it weren´t for your helping hand I wouldn´t have so absolute feeling of security - thank you for it!
Dad, if it weren´t you, I wouldn´t be interested in painting your portraits, they gave me a sense for a feeling illustrations, they teach me a lot...
but than I put off my paintbrushes because of you and than you show me my first guitar accords as you can see - repaid it!
Dad, if it weren´t you, I wouldn´t have strong embrace of man who doesn´t know allude to our gradual leaving you gave me example, yes you gave me modesty...
Mike, do you remember our hiding places?
Mum always looked for us till evening in forest, it was so amazing but than you left our world and made ma accustomed to be alone, it was so hard, but then I was younger...
Mike, do you remember my first song? you´ve used to say: "Sue, now it´s poor, but you will be better!"
Maybe it was way to my objective criticism...thank you for it!
you were strict to your little sister and I thank you again for it!
All my parents gave me a lot, instincts and my "philosofical meaning", they gave me my gifts and made me be kind... this is the youth of mine!
yeah, this is the youth of mine, the youth of mine...
Narodila som sa v roku 1984
Fotograf menom "pán Neschopnosť" nezachytil zábery keď som bola dieťa...
Nebolo nič zakázané, bozk predtým než som odišla
Vyrástla som veľmi rýchlo a "pani Škola" ma v mnohom zmenila
ale samozrejme len do určitej miery
Mami, keby ťa nebolo, nemala by som taký charakter aký mám dnes,
tvoje uvažovanie ma naučilo tomu istému čo teba v mojom veku
Nikdy si mojim očiam nedovolila aby boli smutné
a zvykla si vravievať: "Želám si aby ste obaja navždy zostali deťmi"...
Všimla som si drobné slzy v tvojich očiach
Mami, keby nebolo tvojej pomocnej ruky nemala by som ten absolútny
pocit bezpečia - Ďakujem Ti za to!
Oci, keby ťa nebolo, nebola by som tak zaujatá maľovaním tvojich
obrazov, dali mi zmysel pre cítenie ilustrácií, veľa ma naučili
Ale potom som vďaka tebe odložila štetce
A ty si mi ukázal moje moje prvé gitarové akordy,
ako môžeš vidieť - odplatila som ti to!
Oci, keby ťa nebolo, nepoznala by som to silné objatie muža
ktorý nenaráža na naše postupné lúčenia
Bol si mi príkladom, áno naučil si ma skromnosti...
Mike, pamätáš na naše tajné miesta?
Mamka nás vždy do večera hľadala po lese, bolo to také vynikajúce
ale potom si opustil náš svet a ja som si musela zvyknúť byť sama,
bolo to ťažké, ale to som bola ešte mladá...
Mike, pamätáš si moju prvú pieeň? Zvykol si vravievať:
"Iste, teraz je to slabé, ale ešte budeš lepšia!"
Možno to bola cesta k mojej objektívnej kritike...Ďakujem Ti za to!
Bol si prísny na svoju malú sestričku a teraz ti za to znova Ďakujem!
Všetci moji rodičia mi dali mnoho, inštinkty a moje "filozofické
zmýšľanie", dali mi dary a naučili ma byť láskavou...
Toto je moja mladosť!
Yeah, toto je moja mladosť, moja mladosť...