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This song goes out to all the girls
Who had a boy who never let 'em in their world
You tried hard to make what your friendship was romance but still he
Never saw you as the one to hold his hand
He always chose the one you wish he wouldn't have
And now you're there cleaning up the mess she left, hopelessly thinkin'
If I say it like I wanted would you ever believe me
Say it like I wanted would you ever just need me
Say that I'm the only one and I'll never leave you but
I can be the only one that you wanted
Would you say
Would you say to me
Would you say
Would you say to me
Would you
This is a song about a love, I can't help to think what you're thinking of
I hope that you aren't thinking of us, like something you could never love
The last day the last way you looked at me
The last word the last thought you ever speak
I hope that you don't ever leave me, hopelessly thinkin'
If I say it like I wanted would you ever believe me
Say it like I wanted would you ever just need me
Say that I'm the only one and I'll never leave you but
I can be the only one that you wanted
Would you say
Would you say to me
Would you say
Would you say to me
Would you
Would you say it
Would you say it to me
Would you say it
Would you say it
I can be the only one that you wanted
Sing it loud
Oh, Oh, Oh I can't be the only one that you aren't thinking of
Say it like I want it, would you ever believe me
Say it like I want it, would you ever just need me
Say that I'm the only one and I'll never leave you but
I can be the only one that you wanted
Sing it loud
Would you say it
Would you say it to me
Would you say it
Would you say it to me
Would you say it
Would you say it to me
Would you say it
Would you
This is a song about a love
Can't help to think what you're thinkin' of
I hope that you don't ever leave
Hopelessly thinkin'
Táto pieseň je pre všetky dievčatá, ktoré
Mali chlapca čo ich nikdy nenechal byť v ich svete
Veľmi si sa snažila urobiť, čo vaše priateľstvo bolo
Láska, ale on stále
Nikdy ťa nevidel ako jedinú, ktorá by držala jeho ruku
Vždy si vybral tú, ktorú by si si priala aby nemal
A teraz upratuješ neporiadok, ktorý po sebe nechala
Beznádejne si mysliac
Ak by som to povedal ako som chcel, verila by si mi?
Povedať ako som chcel, potrebovala by si ma ešte?
Povedz, že som jediný a nikdy ťa neopustím, ale
Môžem byť jediný, ktorého si chcela
Povedala by si
Povedala by si mi to?
Povedala by si
Povedala by si mi to?
Toto je pieseň o láske, nemôžem si pomôcť nemyslieť
Na to, na čo myslíš
Dúfam, že nemyslíš o nás dvoch ako o niečom,
Čo si nikdy nemohla milovať
Posledný deň a spôsob ako si sa na mňa pozrela
Posledné slová a myšlienky, ktoré si kedy povedala
Dúfam, že ma nikdy neopustíš, beznádejne si
Ak by som to povedal ako som chcel, verila by si mi?
Povedať ako som chcel, potrebovala by si ma ešte?
Povedz že som jediný a nikdy ťa neopustím, ale
Môžem byť jediný, ktorého si chcela
Povedala by si
Povedala by si mi to?
Povedala by si
Povedala by si mi to?
Povedala by si
Povedala by si mi to?
Povedala by si
Povedala by si
Môžem byť jediný, ktorého si chcela mať
Spievam to nahlas
Nemôžem byť však tým jediným, o ktorom
Ak by som to povedal ako som chcel, verila by si mi?
Povedať ako som chcel, potrebovala by si ma?
Povedz ,že som jediný a nikdy ťa neopustím, ale
Môžem byť jediný, ktorého si chcela
Spievam to nahlas
Povedala by si
Povedala by si mi to?
Povedala by si
Povedala by si mi to?
Povedala by si mi to?
Tak áno?
Toto je pieseň o láske
Nemôžem si pomôcť nemyslieť na to, na čo myslíš
Dúfam, že ma nikdy neopustíš
Beznádejne si mysliac.